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Online environment to become safer for Moldovan children

12:49 | 02.10.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Oct 2 /MOLDPRES/- Moldovan children must have access to a safe and healthy online environment. The Cabinet of Ministers has approved an action plan aimed at protecting children from the risks of using the Internet, the government's communication department has reported.

The program will include expanding the network of partnerships of the service for reporting child sexual abuse materials. At the same time, there will be information campaigns about the online risks to which minors may be exposed, as well as the promotion of services for reporting cases of online violence. The implementation of standards for the protection and safety of pupils online will also be monitored in general education institutions.

These actions will ensure the minimization of minors' exposure to online risks, the increase of responsible use of the Internet, as well as education and awareness-raising activities to inform both children and adults about online safety.

Every year in February, the Republic of Moldova marks Safer Internet Day.


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