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United Nations to support Moldova in mobilizing funds for protection of biodiversity

14:55 | 02.10.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 October /MOLDPRES/ - The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will support Moldova in mobilizing wide-scale resources for the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework. To this end, the authorities will be assisted in the development of a national plan on financing the biodiversity, which will include also reference diagnostic studies, institutional capacities and arrangements, UNDP informed today.       

The support is provided within the global umbrella programme for supporting the working out of the plan on financing the biodiversity, due to be implemented in 91 countries during 2025-2028.  

The biodiversity financing plan will allow the sides interested to increase the resources allocated and to reduce the needs, through ecologizing the sectoral budgets and identifying the fields in which the available resources can be used more efficiently.  

„Due to this pilot initiative, Moldova will be able, for the first time ever, to assess the difference of financing for the biodiversity sector. The assessment will be completed by a comprehensive national financing plan, which will contribute to the achievement of the national goals for the maintenance of the flora and fauna. These important exercises, backed by UNDP and GEF, will contribute to a better understanding of the need of financing for the protection of the country’s ecosystems. Moreover, the integration of the biodiversity in the key economic sectors, such as agriculture and tourism, will contribute to the improvement of the balance between the economic development and the environment’s sustainability,’’ UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova Daniela Gasparikova said.    



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