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Moldovan PM: Industry has greatest potential to produce added value, well-paid jobs

12:09 | 03.10.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Oct 3 /MOLDPRES/- Industry is the engine of Moldova's economy and has the greatest potential to produce added value and well-paid jobs, which is why the government is continuously developing mechanisms to support the segment of the economy. This is the message conveyed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at the first edition of the conference "Pro-Industry Dialogue - Catalyst of Moldova's industrial future", the government's communication department has reported.

Recean thanked the business community for investing in the growth of companies, thus contributing to Moldova's development and creating jobs in the country's villages and towns.

He noted that harmonizing national legislation with the EU one is currently under way, and more and more domestic products are reaching the European market: "On the one hand, the common market is a challenge in terms of competitiveness, but on the other hand, it is an opportunity to grow business, to scale it up to the level of the European free market," he said.

Recean emphasized that the government is developing a policy to support the industry, to encourage productivity growth and investments both locally and abroad. This includes adapting the education system, increasing the skills of the labor force and strengthening cooperation between academia and the private sector.

During the discussions at the conference, authorities, companies and professional associations will analyze the challenges in various industrial sectors. Support programs for entrepreneurs, existing investment platforms, dual education and implementation of "green" practices will also be addressed.

The event is organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova and brings together around 250 businesses from all regions of the country.





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