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Representatives of over 250 companies bring together in Chisinau to discuss solutions to develop industry in Moldova

20:33 | 03.10.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 3 October /MOLDPRES/ - Representatives of 250 companies from Moldova today brought together in Chisinau at the Conference, Pro-Industry Dialogue: Catalyst of Moldova’s industrial future, in order to identify solutions and new opportunities for the development of industry in Moldova. The event was held in the country for the first time ever and is organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), under the government’s patronage.      

Attending the event, Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that the industry was the economic engine of Moldova and the greatest potential to bring value added and well-paid jobs. For this reason, the government continuously develops mechanisms of support of this segment of the economy.    

In the beginning of the event, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergiu Harea said that the goal of the conference was to make the central public authorities, local authorities and the business environment meet, in order to find solutions for the development of industry in Moldova. ‘’Now, when Moldova became country candidate for EU, the discussions on the development of industry have a special aspect, as we must be according to the requirements which are on the EU market. The public-private dialogue which we have today is that very starting point to boost the cooperation in this sector. During the last several months, more legislative amendments have been made which regards the activity of industry and the today’s event is organized for us to inform the entrepreneurs in the field about the novelties the government comes up with and to find solutions together to develop the industry of Moldova,’’ Sergiu Harea said.     

Ambassador of the European Union to Moldova Jānis Mažeiks gave assurances that the European Union would provide support and opportunities for the industrial sector of Moldova. ‘’We hope that the government will identify solutions for the new schemes of support on behalf of the state, which are to be implemented as soon as possible. The labour productivity, the improvement of the labour conditions, the opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship, emphasis put on the circular economy and green transition should be the principal goals of the industrial development of Moldova. For more years, EU has backed the companies of the country to make progress and worked to promote the good governance and the social and economic development. Moldova managed to create close relations with the partners from EU and to integrate into the European value chains,’’ the ambassador said. He noted that EU and Moldova discussed the signing of an Agreement on conformity of the industrial products with the EU’s norms, which will lead to the liberalization of the trade between the two sides for two industrial sectors: electronic equipment and electro-magnetic equipment.   

The conference brought together entrepreneurs from all regions of the country, high-ranking officials and delegations of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry from Romania, Estonia, Ukraine, bilateral chambers, professional associations and experts.

The event was organized by CCI, under the patronage of Moldova’s government, in partnership with the bilateral chambers of commerce and the professional associations from the industry sector, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Moldova and the government of Switzerland, within the Resilient and inclusive markets in Moldova project.   









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