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Moldovan citizens working in agriculture sector in Germany to have same rights as local employees

17:33 | 01.07.2021 Category: Social

Chisinau, 1 July /MOLDPRES/ - A memorandum on cooperation between the Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry (MSMPS) of Moldova and the Federal Employment Agency of Germany was signed today. The document’s goal is to ensure the rights to labour and the social rights of the Moldovan citizens who migrate to Germany on purpose of seasonal agricultural work.    

According to the MSMPS press service, the agreement will establish a clear-cut mechanism of recruiting, based on the ethical recruitment and will ensure the lawfulness of the migration process. The document provides for a string of guarantees for the future employees, among which: signing the labour contract with the employer directly, guaranteeing the legal stay through the issuance of the work permit, ensuring equal working conditions with the ones of the local German employees in the same occupation, providing by the employer of health insurance for the period of employment, possibility to benefit from leave and social insurance, if the Moldovan workers are employed for long term or employed repeatedly.      

Also, the document signed today establishes a mechanism of protection of Moldova’s citizens, in case their rights are not observed.  

The provisions of the memorandum will enter into force in early 2022.

photo: MSMPS





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