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Chisinau city hall to purchase 3,000 waste containers

09:02 | 17.08.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, August 16 /MOLDPRES/- Regia Autosalubritate Municipal Enterprise will purchase 3,000 European-type containers for waste. The interim director of the enterprise, Igor Gîrlea, signed today the contract with the ELKOPLAST company, which was designated the winner following the tender.

According to Chisinau City Hall, ELKOPLAST CZ is a Czech production company with over 20 years of activity in the field of waste collection, sorting and transportation products. The purchased containers will be used to replace the used ones and supplement the existing platforms, but also the containers for recyclables.

Also today, the contract was signed with Atrikod d.o.o., a company from Serbia, for the purchase of six side-loading garbage trucks. The company Atrikod d.o.o. started its activity in the 60s of the last century and evolved into a modern factory, producing equipment for the collection, transport and compaction of PET waste. These type of trucks are needed to replace the used and obsolete side loading trucks that are at the enterprise.

Both purchases took place within the Solid Waste Chisinau project, financed from the municipal budget, EBRD, EIB and E5P and were carried out in accordance with the EBRD procurement procedure. Also, by the end of this month, the contract for the purchase of eight trucks for transporting waste is to be signed.



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