Moldovan government's secretary general has meeting with new ambassador of Romania
15:02 | 14.09.2022 Category: Official
Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - Government’s Secretary General Dumitru Udrea today met new Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Romania to Moldova Cristian-Leon Turcanu, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.
Dumitru Udrea emphasized the quite important support of Romania for Moldova, including in the context of the regional crises which hit Moldova. ‘’Romania has helped and continues to help Moldova on all priority sectors of the country’s development. The most topical example is the considerable support provided by Romania, in the context of the management of the refugees’ crisis, ensuring the country’s energy security, as well as the financial assistance worth 100 million euros, made available to Moldova’s authorities following the signing of the intergovernmental agreement to this end,’’ the Moldovan government’s secretary general said.
Also, Dumitru Udrea expressed thanks to Romania’s government for the decision to provide additional assistance worth 10 million euros as budgetary support till the end of this year.
For his part, Cristian-Leon Turcanu showed openness to cooperate as efficiently as possible with Moldova’s government, both for long term and for short and immediate terms. ‘‘The direct dialogue between the State Chancellery and Romania’s Embassy is essential for turning to good account the joint projects and for enhancing the positive impact on the quality of living of Moldova’s citizens. We are with you, in order to discuss and decide on the best programmes for Moldova,’’ His Excellency said.
At the meeting, the sides tackled priorities of the cooperation in the energy sector and sharing Romania’s experience on the dimension of integration into the European Union, in the context of the getting of the status of country candidate for accession to EU.
On the next period, Romania will finish the process of assessment of the projects submitted for financing within the first installment of the agreement between the Moldovan and Romanian government on the implementation of the programme on technical and financial assistance worth 100 million euros. The projects submitted deals with education, mass media and regional development, as well as infrastructure.
Cristian-Leon Turcanu presented the letters of accreditation as Romania’s extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador to Moldova on 22 July 2022. During August 2016-May 2022, he held the office of Romania’s extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador to Ukraine.
Photo: Government