Moldova to receive 52 million euros on behalf of European Commission
15:48 | 14.09.2022 Category: Economic
Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova and the European Commission will sign two new agreements on non-refundable financial assistance for the country worth 52 million euros in all.
Today, the members of the parliament’s commission for foreign policy and European integration gave a consultative opinion for starting the negotiations and approving the signing of the two agreements. The agreement on financing on the EU for Reforms Programme envisages the providing of a grant worth 27 million euros to Moldova. The priority fields for the European assistance are the policies and programmes on the population and reproductive health; governance and civil society, peace and security.
The agreement on financing of the EU for Redressing and Resilience Programme contains three priorities: resilient, sustainable and integrated economy; resilience in terms of environment and regarding the climate changes; resilient, fair societies and friendly to inclusion. The value of this programme is of 25 million euros, which will be provided as grant.
Photo: Parliament