Moldova to receive 25.5 million euros for implementation of projects in strategic areas
20:47 | 13.10.2022 Category: Official
Chisinau, Oct. 13 /MOLDPRES/- The Republic of Moldova will receive about 25.5 million euros from Romania to start the implementation of projects in strategic areas, such as education and the improvement of public utility services. The decision was taken based on the requests of the authorities in Chisinau and the proposals set by the ministries at the meeting of the Coordination Committee for the Management of Romania - Moldova bilateral assistance agreement, held at the Victoria Palace, the headquarters of the Executive in Bucharest, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.
The amount granted is part of the non-refundable financial aid worth 100 million euros, set in the bilateral agreement on technical and financial assistance, signed on 11 February this year by Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Natalia Gavrilița and Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă.
Thus, through the 57 investment projects, provided for in the European Village project, the increase in access to improved water and sewage services for over 95,000 people will be ensured.
At the same time, to ensure a quality educational process, 135 secondary education institutions will be equipped with laboratory equipment for physics, chemistry and biology offices. In addition, 125 minibuses and 14 school buses will be purchased, specially equipped for transporting children with disabilities.
The implementation period of the Agreement is seven years from its entry into force, and the projects proposed within it will contribute to intensifying cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, promoting the reform process in a European spirit, as well as increasing the resilience of our country to destabilizing factors.