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Moldovan speaker meets several members of European Business Association Moldova

12:39 | 29.11.2022 Category: Official

Chisinau, Nov. 29 /MOLDPRES/- Speaker Igor Grosu discussed today with several members of the European Business Association Moldova (EBA) about the improvement of tax policy, energy security and digitalization of public institutions, the parliament's communication and public relations department has reported.

The speaker noted that the last year, the parliament and the government worked together to improve the business environment. "We have made progress on digitization, on the gradual elimination of bureaucracy and various unnecessary documents, on simplifying and clarifying procedures. But there is still a lot to be done", he said.

Grosu said the authorities will further join efforts, including in discussions with entrepreneurs to identify and solve the daily problems. "We need a strong private environment to have a strong economy. And that's what we will do," he said.

Photo: Parliament


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