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Energocom company signed electricity delivery contract with MGRES for December

18:27 | 03.12.2022 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Dec. 3 /MOLDPRES/- Energocom company signed the electricity supply contract with the Dnestrovsk Power Plant (MGRES) for December. Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spînu, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development made the statement today.

According to the official, it was agreed to analyze the option of extending the contract in January - March 2023 to provide the whole country with electricity.

"In December, a quantity of about 204 thousand MW is to be delivered. This, together with the bilateral contracts in Romania, is sufficient for all the consumption of the right bank. The price is $73. At the same time, MoldovaGaz will deliver 5.7 million m3 of gas per day to the left bank, including MGRES. The Commission for Emergency Situations and the National Agency for Energy Regulation are to decide on reducing the electricity tariff. Thus, citizens will pay less for electricity", Andrei Spînu wrote on a social network.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that this contract is a reasonable compromise to ensure the citizens on both banks of the Dniester with electricity and gas. "The right bank will use the gas from the reserve we have accumulated. For the first time, the right bank is no longer dependent on gas supplied by Gazprom. Additionally, with the signing of this contract, the risk of massive disconnections from electricity is reduced. We are doing our best to keep the country connected. I thank those involved and please let's keep saving", said Andrei Spînu.

Chisinau yesterday asked Tiraspol to produce as much electricity as possible for consumers on the right bank of the Dniester. The request was made during the working meeting of political representatives in the negotiation process for the Transnistrian settlement, after the groups responsible for the energy sector concluded the dialogue. Further discussions were to take place in the following days.


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