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Moldovan authorities launched campaign on winter holidays

10:01 | 19.12.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, Dec. 19 /MOLDPRES/- Authorities have launched a campaign on winter holidays.

The campaign is organized by the Customs Service, the Diaspora Relations Office within the State Chancellery, the Ministry of Culture, the Border Police, the National Inbound and Domestic Tourism Association of Moldova, USAID and UNDP Moldova. It aims to make our country's tourist offer more known and attractive, during the winter holidays both for the diaspora and for foreign tourists visiting our country.

During the event, gifts were distributed in the arrivals area of Chisinau International Airport, and during the following period, citizens returning home for the holidays will be greeted with a thematic postcard with a welcome home wish. They will be distributed at the border crossing points: Leușeni, Sculeni, Palanca, Costești, Giurgiulești and Chisinau International Airport.

At the event, Secretary General of the Government Igor Talmazan  said that in all the customs posts, especially at the Leuseni customs post, which is the most frequented, various decorations were set up to restore the spirit of the winter holidays. The action was carried out with the support of external partners.

Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity director Benjamin Toric said that the initiative aims to bring Moldova's tourism offer back into focus during the winter holidays. "This includes the activities specific to the peaceful life in the villages: outdoor entertainment, cultural experiences characteristic to rural communities, and the opportunity to get to know the popular traditions, through the dishes prepared by the village housewives, served alongside the quality wines made by the Moldovan wineries," he said.


Photo: Customs Service








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