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Over 1,500 vacancies to be offered at job fair

12:23 | 27.01.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 Jan. /MOLDPRES/- Over 1,500 vacancies, including for refugees from Ukraine will be offered at the job fair within the Made in Moldova-2023 exhibition, held on 1-5 February at the Moldexpo centre.

According to the National Employment Agency (ANOFM), over 30 economic agents from various fields of activity will attend this edition of the job fair. People who are looking for a job, those who are employed but want to change their workplace, candidates with professional experience, young specialists or those who do not have a profession, including Ukrainian citizens are expected at the event.

"Having already become a tradition, the event offers jobseekers ample information about employment opportunities both in Chisinau and in other regions of the country. Visitors are encouraged to communicate directly with employers to learn their requirements and the current specifics of the labor market. At the same time, the job fair strengthens the link between demand and supply on the labor market, promoting the services offered by ANOFM and increasing the level of employment in all regions of the country", ANOFM director Raisa Dogaru said.

People will be able to get information about the employment services and measures provided by the territorial employment subdivisions: information on the labor market, career guidance, vocational training courses, training at the workplace, professional internships, initiation of a business etc. At the same time, the participants will have the opportunity to discuss with the representatives of the State Chancellery, who will promote the information on the government portal, the legal framework regarding employment in the public service and the basic criteria to apply for a public position.

Currently, there are over 9,900 vacancies registered in the ANOFM database, of which around 4,000 are in Chisinau.

Photo: ANOFM


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