Moldovan, EU officials broach cooperation
14:02 | 06.02.2023 Category: Official
Chisinau, Feb. 6 /MOLDPRES/- At a meeting with European Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis, EU Commissioner for Trade, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița said that Moldova is determined to carry out an ambitious program of reforms in the economy, which will contribute to the development of businesses, will create new jobs and will generate more income for the budget. Gavrilita is on a working visit to Brussels on the occasion of the EU - Moldova Association Council meeting, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.
The meeting focused on elimination of tariff quotas and access to the single market, cutting roaming tariffs between EU countries and Moldova and the accession to the single euro payments area.
"Thank you for the fact that last summer you increased the quotas for seven Moldovan agricultural products. We aim to complete the transposition of European legislation and start negotiations so that we can start exporting animal products to the EU market as soon as possible.
The Moldovan institutions are prepared to carry out irreversible reforms in the entire economy. Together with the European Commission, we are ready to prepare an Action Plan for Moldova to have access to the European single market. We count on your help in moving forward on this path", the official said.
Gavrilița requested the launch of the economic and financial dialogue with the EU, the accession to the Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products. In this context, macroeconomic developments in the Republic of Moldova and the EU and actions to improve the economic situation were considered.
Photo: Government