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Three resolutions adopted at Euronest Parliamentary Assembly in Moldova

16:00 | 21.02.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21 February /MOLDPRES/ - The participants in the tenth ordinary session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly (Euronest PA) have adopted three resolutions. The co-presidents of the Euronest PA Ina Coseru and Andrius Kubilius made statements to this effect at the end of the event.   

Andrius Kubilius said that, for the first time ever, Euronest was carrying out its works during a war and so close to the latter. He noted that the participants in the session had discussed especially subjects on the geopolitics in the region, propaganda, manipulation and adopted three resolutions concerning Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, the European integration of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia, as well as the beginning of the process of negotiations of Moldova and Ukraine with the European Union, following the getting of the status of countries candidates for accession to EU.   

The co-president of the Euronest PA, Ina Coseru, said that the participants in the session had discussed and made proposals for the future of the Eastern Partnership. ‘’We discussed also the challenges in the region. Participants from all six countries came to Chisinau. The Eastern Partnership must be re-thought and re-calibrated, following the developments in Moldova and Ukraine. We discussed also subjects on the hybrid war, propaganda and manipulation. We must remained united in these difficult times,’’ Coseru said.       

Also today, European MP Siegfried Muresan said that the Resolution on the strategic importance of starting the negotiations on accession to EU with Ukraine and Moldova had been initiated by the Group of the European People’s Party and was adopted by the Euronest Assembly with 36 votes for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.      

„In the resolution’s text, we ask also for the gradual integration of Moldova and Ukraine into the Single European Market before the completion of the negotiations on accession. Thus, through the integration of the two countries into the Single Market, the citizens of Ukraine and Moldova will quicker feel some of the most important benefits of the accession to the European Union itself, such as the creation of stable and well-paid jobs, attraction of new European investors in the two countries, increase in the exports of Moldovan and Ukrainian products to the European Union and an easier access, at low prices, to products from EU. At the same time, we believe that it is important, from the strategic viewpoint, to establish clear-cut terms for the conclusion of the negotiations on accession with the candidate countries till the end of the present decade at the latest,’’ Muresan wrote on his page.      

Siegfried Muresan also said that the resolution adopted today showed that the ‘’European Parliament and the parliaments of the eastern Neighbourhood were united in backing the accession of Moldova and Ukraine to EU.’’ ‘’We everybody agree that the European integration of Moldova and Ukraine means concrete benefits for the citizens of the two countries, as well as for the citizens of the European Union and of all countries from the eastern Neighbourhood,’’ Muresan added.    

About 100 officials from the Eastern Partnership countries and members of the European Parliament this week participated in the tenth session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, held in Chisinau.   




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