Moldovan settlements to be able to benefit from financing for community projects
14:56 | 09.03.2023 Category: Regional
Chisinau, 9 March /MOLDPRES/ - The State Chancellery, through the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD), has launched a new round of grants within the governmental programme Diaspora Manages at Home (DAR 1+3). The local public authorities (APL) of the first level are invited to submit, till 22 March, files on participation in the programme, jointly with the associations/members of the Diaspora, associations of natives, initiative groups of citizens who settled abroad or returned, development partners/donors, in order to benefit from non-refundable financial support within the project.
The projects eligible for financing regard the following fields: infrastructure (water and sewerage, roads, schools, kindergartens, community centres); environmental protection (prevention of environment’s pollution, waste management); economy (region’s development, investments, agriculture’s development); energy efficiency (solar panels, street illumination, thermal insulation); culture (protection of heritage, leisure zones, development of rural tourism, exhibitions and festivals); education (programmes for children, sport, innovation, transfer of knowledge and know-how); social protection (medical centres, social centres, social canteens, etc.).
This year, according to the state budget law, 10 million lei is envisaged for the non-refundable financing meant for the implementation of projects within the DAR 1+3 programme. The overall value of one project cannot be lower than 300,000 lei and it has at the basis the following formula: government’s contribution – up to 50 per cent, but no more than 250,000 lei for each project; APL’s contribution – at least 10 per cent of the project’s value, Diaspora’s contribution – at least 10 per cent and the contribution of the development partners/donors has no limit. The projects submitted by local public authorities in the energy efficiency solutions sector will be able to benefit from financial support on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).
The DAR 1+3 programme has the goal to mobilize Diaspora’s human and financial potential for the social and economic development of Moldova’s settlements. So far, 104 local public authorities, of which 41 in 2022 alone, have benefited from opportunities of the concerned programme. The local public authority which benefited from financial support within the DAR 1+3 programme two editions in a row is not eligible to enjoy financing in 2023.
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