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Moldovan president marks Earth Hour by planting trees

18:40 | 25.03.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 25 March /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today marked the Earth Hour by planting trees in the Avdarma village, southern Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia, along with colleagues of the Presidency, a group of students from the Comrat University and local residents. They planted 5,000 trees of ash tree, sycamore maple and bird cherry, which will create a forest protection belt for farmlands, the presidential press service has reported.    

„The country’s afforestation is a priority for us for the next years. The climate changes represent a major problem globally and each of us can contribute to the improvement of the quality of the environment through simple, but important gestures,’’ the head of state said.   

President Maia Sandu noted that, today during 20:30-21:30, the governmental buildings will turn off the electricity supply, in order to join the global movement Earth Hour.   

„We want to raise the awareness of the society about the negative impact of the CO2 emissions. Together, we can reduce these damages, using the energy resources thriftily and with wisdom, as well as through increasing the areas of forests due to ensure a sounder environment,’’ the Moldovan president added.  

Photo: Presidency











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