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Moldovan cabinet approves national strategy of youth sector's development for 2023-2030

14:46 | 29.03.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 March /MOLDPRES/ - The opening of new youth centres, the better training of specialists in the youth sector, the financing of initiatives and projects with the involvement of young people are just some of the goals of the national strategy of youth sector’s development for 2023-2030. The cabinet today approved the strategy, at an initiative by the Education and Research Ministry (MEC), the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.   

„We are set to develop and consolidate the youth sector, so that it becomes more accessible and inclusive, as well as to motivate young people to get involved more in the decision-making process and the one of community development. Given that young people proved solidarity and compassion during the latest crises faced by Moldova, we will develop policies of voluntariate and will create mechanisms of support, recognition and turning to account of volunteers,’’ Education and Research Minister Anatolie Topala said.   

On the next period, decision-makers will create at least three regional youth laboratories (south, centre, north) and 10 multifunctional rooms dedicated to young people in universities. At the same time, they will finance 100 projects and programmes on social innovation, carried out by young people and youth organizations. Financing will provided to youth organizations, initiative groups, youth centres and structurers.    

Another goal of the strategy regards the training of employees in the youth sector. Besides the training programmes for employees of the system, decision-makers will ensure the training of about 140 young community organizers, who are to carry out activities of community mobilization of active young people.    

Among the actions due to support the implementation of the strategy’s objectives, there is also the material and financial support provided to young people by the state to carry out community projects. In this respect, 65 per cent of the financial resources planned for the strategy’s implementation will be provided in form of subsidies and grants for youth organizations, centres, initiative groups with the participation of young people.  

Also, the strategy sees investments in the creation and support, including financial one, of youth structures at universities.  

The draft strategy was widely consulted with the sides interested in three regions of Moldova. The costs needed for the Strategy’s implementation will be covered from the state budget and external sources.   

Photo: Government



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