Joint Control Commission signals cases of infringing Security Zone's regime
18:43 | 20.04.2023 Category: Official
Chisinau, 20 April /MOLDPRES/ - The Joint Control Commission (JCC) today held its weekly meeting in Bender, the Reintegration Policies Bureau has reported.
The participants in the meeting continued discussions on the illegal posts of the Transnistrian power wielding structures and the need to remove them from the Security Zone.
Moldova’s delegation approached the cases which repeatedly occurred at the posts of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, with the unjustified stopping of transport means and citizens, especially of the ones held by representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Moldova. The Moldovan delegation demanded exclusion of similar cases in the long run.
Also, in a statement, Chisinau’s representatives signaled infringements of the Security Zone’s regime, committed by Russia’s military contingent of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces. Such cases were fixed on the period February-April and were expressed through the movement, uncoordinated with JCC, of armoured fighting vehicles outside the area of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces.
The Moldovan representatives stressed that the incidents had had repercussions and fostered the discontent of the residents from the Security Zone, who are periodically subjected to groundless stopping, with excessive verification of the papers and transport units.
Moldova’s delegation describes as provocation this defiance of the peacekeeping mission’s documents and calls on Russia’s military contingent to give up the destabilizing actions and contribute to the keeping of peace on the banks of Dniester.