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More schools from south Moldova supplied with digital laboratories provided by EU

14:20 | 18.05.2023 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 18 May /MOLDPRES/ - Six digital laboratories have been inaugurated at schools from south Moldova with the European Union’s support. One of them is placed at the Mihai Eminescu Gymnasium from the Cantemir town, which hosted the second edition of the Digital Laboratories project on 17 May.   

„The laboratories developed with EU’s help provide a modern and innovative environment, in which pupils can learn the new technologies and develop the abilities needed for the labour market, which are more and more digitalized. Last year, due to the European assistance, another nine digital laboratories were launched or, for the moment, 15 laboratories work in the country’s southern region,’’ the European Union’s Delegation in Moldova said.    

The Digital Laboratories project in the Cahul area was developed with the European Union’s assistance, in partnership with Sweden and is implemented by the National Association of Companies in the Information Technologies and Communications Sector (ATIC).    

The Digital Laboratories project is an initiative by the Tekwill in Each School programme. The project’s budget is of 130,000 euros. Within the programme, about 3,000 pupils will be able to develop their digital abilities and adapt to the present requirements on the labour market, in order to access attractive professional opportunities at home, in Moldova.        

Photo: EU Delegation





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