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Speaker discussed Moldova's European path with diaspora in France

12:42 | 29.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, May 29 /MOLDPRES/ - On a visit to France, Speaker Igor Grosu met with Moldovans residing in Paris, and approached the latest events in Moldova and the country's European path. He said the road Moldova is going through is a complicated one, which involves many reforms that are not easy, but are for the benefit of citizens and for the prosperity of the country, the parliament's communication and public relations department has reported.

"The steps to European integration are difficult but necessary. We want democracy, peace and freedom to prevail in 2024 in our country and in the world, because these three notions are closely linked," Grosu said.

He urged Moldovans in the diaspora to stand by the Republic of Moldova and help the country on its European path: "We need everyone's involvement to build a European Moldova", he said.

Grosu accompanied by a parliamentary delegation visited the French Republic on 27-29 May at the invitation of President of the French National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet.


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