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Public Property Agency ensures process of payment in installments of works for construction of Chisinau Arena

16:33 | 30.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Public Property Agency (APP) ensures the process of payment in installments of the works for the construction of the Chisinau Arena. Thus, up to 65 million lei (about 3.15 million euros +taxes) was provided for in the state budget for 2024 for the National Arena Ltd Company.   

The concerned sum represents the totality of installments for the 2024 year and is allocated for the carrying out of the public-private Partnership Contract for the protection and construction of the polyvalent hall of national interest, concluded in August 2018.    

According to APP, so far, the state has ensured the full payment of 22,663,968 euros. In continuation, 14 installments are to be paid in the next seven years, including for the 2024 year. In the conditions of observance of the schedule of reimbursement, the last installment is to be paid in 2030. The sum of installments for payment is of 21.8 million euros.  

The works for construction of the Chisinau Arena started in the summer of 2018, being carried out by a company from Turkey, based on a public-private partnership. Decision-makers initially informed that the investment by the private partner was to be returned in form of half-year installments during 12 years starting the moment of the construction’s launch. The complex is placed nearby the Stauceni settlement.   


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