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Moldovan president signs Decree on opening of EU accession negotiations

12:09 | 21.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/- Head of State Maia Sandu signed today the decree on opening negotiations on Moldova's accession to the European Union. The official said that the meeting of the National Commission for European Integration focused on Moldova's general negotiating position to be approved by the government, and Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov was appointed as chief negotiator on Moldova's behalf.

"The Republic of Moldova has fulfilled all recommendations of the European Commission. Thus, two years after obtaining the status of candidate country, the first Moldova-EU Intergovernmental Conference will be held on June 25, which sets the start of accession negotiations," Maia Sandu noted.

The President thanked the Government for the work done and wished success to our delegation that will represent the Republic of Moldova in Luxembourg, at the official launch of the EU accession negotiations.

"Behind these efforts to modernize the country are thousands of people in state institutions and the work of each of them has a crucial impact on our goal as a country - to prepare the Republic of Moldova for membership by 2030. Moldova - a member of the European Union - is the only path to development through which we will ensure peace, well-being and a better life for all our citizens. At the referendum, the Moldovan people will decide whether this is the direction of the country's development and the legacy we leave to future generations," said Maia Sandu.

The European Union formally opens accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine. On June 25, the Belgian EU presidency will convene the first intergovernmental conferences with the two countries.

The European Council decided at summit on December 14, 2023 to start accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The decision was taken after both countries applied for EU membership and were granted candidate country status two years ago.






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