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EU Negotiating Framework for Moldova published on government website

11:11 | 28.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 28 June /MOLDPRES/- Government published today two important documents adopted at the first Intergovernmental Conference held in Luxembourg on June 25, 2024. They are the EU Negotiating Framework for the Republic of Moldova and the General Negotiating Position of the Republic of Moldova.

Both documents are available on the government's website:

The EU negotiating framework for the Republic of Moldova:
General negotiating position of the Republic of Moldova:

The main key messages of the negotiating framework read "negotiations will be based on Moldova's own merits and the pace will depend on Moldova's progress in fulfilling the requirements for membership". At the same time, "Moldova will receive financial assistance through the relevant Union instruments to support its accession process".

"Given the crucial importance of fundamental reforms throughout the process, the negotiations on the core value cluster will be opened first and closed last. This will allow sufficient time to put in place the necessary legislation and institutions, as well as to demonstrate solid results in implementation, before the negotiations are concluded. Progress in the core values cluster will determine the overall pace of the negotiations and will be taken into account in the context of decisions to open or close new clusters or negotiating chapters," the document says.

The general negotiating position of the Republic of Moldova stipulates "the overall objective of the accession negotiations is for the Republic of Moldova to become a full member of the European Union, with all the rights and responsibilities attaching thereto". At the same time, "the Republic of Moldova aims to reach a level of full internal preparedness to align its legislation with the EU acquis and to ensure its applicability by 2030".

The Republic of Moldova argues "it aims not only to benefit but also to contribute to European and global security". "During the accession negotiations, the Republic of Moldova could request transition periods for those sectors where it determines that, at the time of accession to the EU, it will not yet be fully prepared for full harmonization and implementation of the community acquis," the source said.

On June 25, negotiations on Moldova's accession to the European Union were officially launched in Luxembourg at an intergovernmental conference.


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