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Moldovan apples sold in over 30 countries worldwide

19:53 | 16.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 16 /MOLDPRES/- Moldovan producers have exported 133 thousand tons of apples from the 2023-2024 harvest. They reached more than 30 countries of the world. The volume of exports increased compared to the season 2022 - 2023, when 124 thousand tons sold on foreign markets. Exports to the EU practically doubled, reaching 22 thousand tons, the main destination being Romania with a share of 90%. The figures were presented today by Moldova Fruct Association, which marked the end of the apple export season.

Apple export to the Middle East increased from 6146 thousand tons in the 2022-2023 season to 8085 thousand tons in the 2023-2024 season.

At the same time, while in the 2022-2023 season, 85% of all apples exported from Moldova reached the countries of the Eurasian Union, the market has managed to diversify, and now this share has decreased to 77%. On the other hand, the quantities of apples delivered to new destinations such as Sweden, the UK and Israel have increased. At the same time, a batch of apples also reached India.

Executive Director of the Moldova Fruct Association Iurie Fală said that the 2023-2024 season highlights an important trend: producers and exporters are diversifying their markets and exploring new opportunities. 

Moldova Fruct Association members mentioned the need to work more on the quality of apples so that they can compete and be competitive on any market.



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