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Over 30 accidents with scooters' involvement occur in Moldova since early 2024

15:20 | 21.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 July /MOLDPRES/ - Over 30 road accidents with scooters’ involvement have occurred since the beginning of this year. Twenty six people were injured in the wake of these accidents.  

Contacted by MOLDPRES, the press officer of the National Public Security Inspectorate (INSP), Ana Chiselita, stressed that no person had died in the wake of these road accidents.   

„We recommend that the drivers of electric scooters bear protection equipment and waistcoat with reflective elements. It is important that they move with low speed and avoid the movement among vehicles. At the same time, law enforcers recommend that people do not move by two on one scooter; when crossing the road, get down of the scooter and move only on crosswalks, carrying the scooter by handle bar,’’ Ana Chieselita said.     

Also, the drivers of electric scooters are urged to be attentive at pedestrians, especially children and elderly people.



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