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PM gives speech on 30th anniversary of Moldovan Constitution's adoption in parliament

21:09 | 29.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 July /MOLDPRES/ - The today’s anniversary coincides with the important changes through which our society goes now, through which we firmly edify our European integration way. Prime Minister Dorin Recean has made statements to this effect at the parliament’s rostrum, during the solemn meeting dedicated to the marking of the 30th anniversary of the Constitution’s adoption, the government’s communication department reported.      

In his speech, the prime minister reiterated the importance of the participation in the exercise due on 20 October. ‘’The constitutional referendum for the European Moldova will legitimate, once and forever, the will of the entire country to be part of the great European family. Or, the prosperous future of a country is the sum of our common choices, of each of us,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.       

The Day of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution is annually marked on 29 July. The parliament adopted Fundamental Law on 29 July 1994 and the document entered into force on 27 August 1994.   

Speech by Prime Minister Dorin Recean: 

Mr. President Grosu,

Dear Presidents,

Dear members of the Constitutional Court,  

Dear MPs,

Ladies and Gentlemen,  

Your excellences,  

The Republic of Moldova is an independent and democratic state, with free people, whose rights are observed and protected – these are the fundamental elements put down in our Constitution, which was adopted 30 years ago as response to the citizens’ aspirations to live in a sovereign country, in an independent country.    

Presently, we perceive the democracy as lifestyle, as only the democracy can generate well-being in freedom. The democracy means also responsibility to develop and modernize our society and this effort is a continuous one – for the people living at present and for the next generations.     

The Constitution is a living document. Just as our society, it went through a string of transformations. The most recent achievement is the one for which the people who are in the hall now fought – the return to the Romanian language in the Constitution.   

This recognition represents not only an act of reaffirming of our national identity, but also a sign of respect and appreciation for the linguistic diversity of the ethnic communities, which contribute to the cultural wealth of our country.   

In the context of the anniversary, we must be realistic and recognize that we still wage an intense fight for the supremacy of law in Moldova. The joint effort of all branches of the state power will ensure the equality of each one before the law. No matter all resistance which exists and which is enhancing, I am confident that we will succeed.   

The today’s anniversary coincides also with the important changes through which our society goes now, through which we firmly edify our European integration way.     

We should not forget also the work of those who, 33 years ago, fought for our  freedom and democracy. With the people, they dreamed of a country in which each citizen should enjoy equal rights and opportunities of development. And we, today, have the chance to honour the legacy of the Independence Generation, by choosing a developed and prosperous Moldova.   

In next autumn, we will everybody participate in an extremely important exercise of the democracy – the constitutional referendum for the European Moldova, which will legitimate, once and forever, the will of the entire country to be part of the great European family. Or, the prosperous future of a country is the sum of our common choices, of each of us. 

Thank you!






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