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Moldovan president attends National Teachers Forum

18:27 | 14.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, August 14 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu participated today in the National Teachers Forum, the second edition, the presidential press service has reported.

The head of state said she was happy to see the teachers from the country again and to discuss the achievements of students and teachers. "It's hard to raise a child, but to raise tens, hundreds, thousands of children you need boundless strength. And you, dear teachers, have this power!", Maia Sandu said.

The official pointed out that a country looks like a school in that country. Maia Sandu stated that the authorities' plan for education cannot be done in one day, but it is clear and firm. "We started good things together and they must continue: in 2024 we increased the salaries of all teachers and educators by 15%, we doubled the scholarships for pedagogy, we are investing 1.3 billion lei in the 35 model schools in each district, we have renovated about 200 schools and kindergartens, we increased the one-off payment for young specialists to 200 thousand lei and the compensation for teaching materials to 4 thousand lei. These are some of the actions that clearly show the attention we pay to increasing the quality of education", the head of state also said.

The president also spoke during the event about the power of teachers to form characters, about the common mission - of the family, the school, the state - to help children be more human, responsible, autonomous, resilient, to believe in the power of democracy, collaboration and doing good. "I urged all teachers to help us preserve peace and democracy in Moldova and to build a society of winners together," the head of state said.






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