Prospects for Monday, 04 February
18:52 | 01.02.2019 Category:
Events in Moldova
The Ministry of Healthcare, Labour and Social Protection and Oncological Institute start, at a press conference, the national campaign to inform the population about oncological diseases, their fight and treatment, with generic: Eu sunt si eu voi fi (I am and I will be) dedicated to the World Battle Day against Cancer at the Oncology Institute at 11:00.
The Agency for Intervention and Payment for Agriculture (AIPA), Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MADRM) invite mass media to a press conference on the start of the grant application for 2019 at the AIPA at 10:00.
Acting general mayor of Chisinau Ruslan Codreanu convenes the meeting of the municipal services at the Chisinau city hall at 08:30.
The European Network of Election Monitoring Organisations and International Election Observation Mission in Moldova for the parliamentary elections of 24 February 2019 hold a press conference at IPN at 10:00.
Head of Public Organisation JIVA Irina Iacovenco invites mass media to a press conference: The letter of alert to the Government of Moldova on situation at the Centre for sterilisation of homeless animals at IPN at 11:00.
The IPN press agency invites mass media to public debates: Elections 2019: Please choose me a member of the Parliament because ..., the 103rd issue of cycle: Developing political culture in public debate at IPN at 14:00.
The PSRM's leadership holds a press conference: About the conduct of the electoral campaign at the office of PSRM at 11:00.