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More than 1,100 Moldovan women fall sick with breast cancer in 2019

15:35 | 01.10.2020 Category: Social

Chisinau, 1 October /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 1,177 patients with breast cancer were registered in Moldova in 2019 in all. As many as 10,074 women are in the records of the Chisinau-based Oncological Institute. The data was made public by the Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry (MSMPS), in the context of marking the Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

According MSMPS, the biggest share of new breast cancer cases in 2019 were recorded in patients older than 60 years.  

In the world, an increase in the number of new cases of breast cases is forecast; namely for these reasons, the Breast Cancer Awareness Month is organized internationally, in order to raise the awareness about the breast cancer as health problem for which there are possibilities to prevent, discover early and benefit from contemporary specialized treatment.   

Data by the World Health Organization shows that a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the world every three minutes and a woman dies of this disease every 14 minutes. The breast cancer triggers about 77,000 deaths annually, being the widest spread form of cancer in women.

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