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Moldova's National Auto Transport Agency to monitor road traffic on day of elections

19:55 | 12.11.2020 Category: Social

Chisinau, 12 November /MOLDPRES/ - The National Auto Transport Agency (ANTA) informs that, on 15 November during 7:00-21:00, it will monitor and check the road traffic, in order to ensure the implementation of the restriction of organized transportation of voters to polling stations.  

In a press release, ANTA reminds that, on the period of time reserved for the voting process – 7:00-21:00, only the vehicles, the capacity of which is not larger than 8 persons and the road passenger transport through regular routes, which work according to Moldova’s legislation, are allowed to be moved on the territory of the country. This is made, in order to avoid the carriage of voters to polling stations by electoral contenders or other third persons.  

At the same time, the following actions are banned on the voting day: organization of the carriage of voters to the polling station by the electoral contender or other persons in the interest of the electoral contender; carrying out the transportation of voters to the polling station, in order to prompt them to vote for one of the candidates; carrying out the transportation of voters to polling station by buses/coaches or carrying out the transportation of voters to the polling station by road transport operator in taxi regime, under agreement with third persons, other than the passenger/voter, except for the cases of voters with disabilities.   




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