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Educational process to begin on 11 January with physical presence of teachers, pupils in classroom

10:46 | 06.01.2021 Category: Social

Chisinau, 6 January /MOLDPRES/- Chisinau city hall informs that the educational process for the second semester of studies will begin on 11 January 2021, with the physical presence of students and teachers in educational institutions, according to the models approved at the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year.

The decision to resume the educational process with the physical presence of students and teachers in the classroom was approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research based on statistics on the evolution of the epidemiological situation during the first semester of the school year.

In this context, MECC and APL Chisinau urge pupils, parents, teachers to show responsibility in family, society and school, follow the public health rules on COVID-19 virus and the Instruction on protection measures for organizing the activity of public and private educational institutions in the epidemiological context.


Chisinau city hall reiterates the urge of the National Commission on Public Health to comply with anti-epidemiological safety measures: observance of physical distance, disinfection of hands at school entrance, thermometry every morning, disinfection of classrooms and non-admission to the institution and so on.




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