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Moldova might have law of prevention

16:11 | 12.02.2021 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 12 February /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament today approved a draft on amendment of the law on state control over the entrepreneurial activity and the contravention code. The draft proposes a mechanism of prevention against possible abuses on behalf of the control bodies.    

The initiative belongs to an MP of the Dignity and Truth Platform, Igor Munteanu, and comes as a response to the need to improve the business environment and protect the small business from numerous obstacles to the carrying out of private businesses. Thus, the draft introduces norms dealing with the control body’s obligation to guide the economic agent through the elaboration of guides, informative notes, for the help of those verified by the control bodies.     

The draft contains also a norm which allows the side hit to recover the damages inflicted by an inspector, which points to an asymmetric relation between the control body and the subject of verification, meaning thus a leverage of mutual enhancing of responsibility. At the same time, the term of remedying provided through the prescriptions issued by inspectors, which must not be shorter than 30 days and with the possibility to be extended up to 90 days, depending on the case’s complexity.  

The author said that about 45 per cent of the business environment’s representatives say that namely during the control operations, exercised by competent state institutions, one can see the informal and formal rules of extorting the bribe from the newly created private companies, many of which do not have elementarily minimum of knowledge of administration and good management of businesses.   

photo: Parliament



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