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Estonia to further back Moldova's European integration

09:57 | 21.09.2016 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 September /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Pavel Filip met Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves in New York on 20 September. The two officials participate in the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly, the government’s communication and media relations department has reported.

The talks were focused on perspectives of developing the bilateral relations between Moldova and Estonia, including the political dialogue and economic cooperation, as well as Moldova’s European agenda.

Filip thanked for assistance provided by the Estonian government in implementing the development reforms and for willingness to offer expertise in different sectors of common interest, including as regards taking over European practices.

For his part, Toomas Hendrik Ilves reiterated Estonia’s support for Moldova’s European integration. He noted that Moldova continued to be among the priority in the Estonian programme on assistance for cooperation.

The sides remarked the good cooperation at level of regions, municipalities and cities, being set already 11 cooperation agreements between the local public authorities from Moldova and Estonia. Thus, in 2015 the Estonian government offered assistance amounting to 950,000 euros for 25 projects, the same amount was allocated in 2016.


(Editor A. Răileanu)






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