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Over one thousand families with many children from Gagauzia congratulated today

21:00 | 08.03.2020 Category: Official

Chisinau, 8 March /MOLDPRES/- Speaker Zinaida Greceanii and bashkan of Gagauzia Irina Vlah attended a charity event organized by the Gagauz authorities with the support of President Igor Dodon for families with many children in the region.

According to the parliament's communication and public relations department, the officials visited Comrat, Congaz, Copceac and Cazaclia and Ceadir-Lunga, and congratulated over a thousand mothers who have three and more children.

On behalf of parliament and her own behalf, Greceanîi thanked all mothers with many children in Gagauzia for the courage to give life and responsibility to take care of children day and night, combining the hard work with professional activity.

Irina Vlah pointed out the efforts of the authorities of the country and of Gagauzia including supporting families, among them being the considerable increase in childbirth allowances, free feeding in kindergartens and other important programs.

The mothers of Gagauzia and from all over the country were assured that the Moldovan parliament, the state leadership will promote new social initiatives to improve the quality of life for all Moldovan families.





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