Moldovan poultry sector producers say fowl price not to increase
19:13 | 24.03.2020 Category: Economic
Chisinau, 24 March /MOLDPRES/ - The members of employers’ association of poultry breeders today sent a letter to the Agriculture, Regional Environment and Environment Ministry, thereby informing that they would not increase the price for fowl and fowl products on the period of the COVID-19 crisis.
The association’s members said that, on the last period, they had noticed that some suppliers of meat products had increased the prices, which naturally influences the entire chain of fowl’s production.
Nevertheless, despite the information spread in public space as to some producers’ intention to increase the meat price by 30 per cent, the employers’ association of poultry breeders say that this ‘’is manipulating information, spread in order to destabilize the market.’’
The poultry breeders show solidarity with the authorities’ efforts, taken on this period, noting that they were close to the consumers and did not increase the price for fowl.
State of emergency is declared in Moldova on the period 17 March – 15 May 2020, given the spread of the new-type coronavirus COVID-19. During this state, more restrictions are announced in the country, including dealing with the work of the business environment.