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Public transport to be free of charge in Moldovan capital till 10 April

16:26 | 25.03.2020 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 March /MOLDPRES/ - The Chisinau city hall informs that the free of charge public transport would last 15 days, till 10 April inclusively.

The decision was approved by the commission for emergency situations of the Chisinau municipality today, as a result of the establishment of the measure set forth by the national competent authority.   

The activity of trolley buses and buses without taxators is aimed at minimizing the contact between those who issue tickets and passengers and, respectively, cease the infection with the new-type virus.    

At the same time, the schedule of work of the public transport in the capital continues to be organized according to a restricted regime: during 5:30-10:00 and 16:00-20:00.   

Subsequently, the city hall will submit to the national commission for emergency situations information on the losses borne during 15 days, as a result of the free of charge carriage of passengers, with a request that these expenses are compensated from sources of the government’s Reserve Fund.  



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