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Appeal of Moldova's Small Grants Fund for urban revitalization to be actrive till 15 April

12:58 | 30.03.2020 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 30 March /MOLDPRES/- The mayoralties of more towns and cities from Moldova are invited to participate in the Small Grants Fund (FGM) – 2020, the urban revitalization issue. The participation files can be submitted till 15 April.  

FGM 2020, the urban revitalization issue, is organized in partnership with the Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Ministry (MADRM) of Moldova and the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy of Poland. The appeal is co-financed from funds of the Polish development cooperation programme of Poland’s Foreign Affairs Ministry – Polish Aid.  

The goal of the fund’s this year issue is to support the process of implementation of the Urban Revitalization Programmes as instrument of the urban policy – main means of stimulating the sustainable urban development of cities’ and towns’ zone, including social, environmental, space and cultural aspects.   

The overall budget of FGM 2020 appeal, urban revitalization issue, is up to 3.9 million lei.  

The mayoralties of the towns and cities which worked out and approved a programme on urban revitalization in force, according to the provisions of the directing lines, are eligible to participate in the appeal.

The small grants fund is a programme of the Representation of the Solidarity Fund PL Foundation in Moldova, financed by the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Poland within the Polish development cooperation programme Polish Aid. The FGM’s task is to strengthen the local development in Moldova, through co-financing local development projects, implemented by local public authorities in cooperation with local partners.    


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