INSTRUCTION No 10 of Moldova's Commission for Emergency Situations from 31 March 2020
13:42 | 01.04.2020 Category: Official
Chisinau, 1 April /MOLDPRES/ - In accordance with the Article 22 from the Law No 212/2004 on the regime of state of emergency, of siege and war, Article 2 of the Parliament Decision No 55/2020 on the declaring of the state of emergency, points 6, 7, 8 and 9 from the Regulation of the Moldova’s Commission for Emergency Situations, approved under the Government Decision No 1340/2001, Moldova’s Commission for Emergency Situations,
1. The local public authorities from the Chisinau municipality will ensure, for free, the providing of all public utilities necessary for the normal work of the Medical and Sanitary Public Institution COVID-19 Centre (sanitation services, sewerage services, services of supply with cold and warm water, thermal energy supply services, other needed services.
2. The Public Property Agency and the MoldExpo International Exhibition Centre will ensure the making available to the Chisinau Medical and Sanitary Public Institution COVID-19 Centre of all real estate from the MoldExpo Centre and, at their own expense, they will provide, free of charge, the entire volume of electric energy necessary for the work of the Chisinau Medical and Sanitary Public Institution COVID-19 Centre.
3. The local public administration authorities from the Chisinau city will ensure the cooperation and coordination with the Chisinau Medical and Sanitary Public Institution COVID-19 Centre in problems dealing with the control and combating the epidemic of the infection with the coronavirus SARS–CoV–2 and the disease COVID-19. Autoritățile administrației publice locale din municipiul Chișinău vor asigura conlucrarea și coordonarea cu Instituția Medico-Sanitară Publică Centrul COVID-19 Chișinău în problemele ce țin de controlul și combaterea epidemiei infecției cu coronavirusul SARS–CoV–2 și maladia COVID–19.
4. The Finance Ministry will allocate, from the government’s intervention fund, a sum of 5.4 million lei to the Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry for the purchasing of protection overalls through the Centre for Centralized Procurements in Health.
5. The SanFarm-Prim stock company is nominated as pharmaceutical warehouse for the reception and issuance, for free, of protection equipment donated or purchased by the beneficiary public medical and sanitary institutions, according to the distribution by the Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry. All procedures of reception, depositing and issuance of protection equipment donated or procured, according to the decision by the Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry, will be carried out and ensured by the SanFarm-Prim stock company free of charge.
6. By derogation of the provisions of the item 46 of the Instruction on establishing the disability degree, approved under the Government Decision No 357/2018, the disability degree for the people whose disability degree expires on the period of the state of emergency, is extended ex-officio by the National Council for Establishment of Disability and Capacity for Work till the state of emergency is lifted.
7. Based on the list of the persons, for whom the disability degree was prolonged, presented by the National Council for Establishment of Disability and Capacity for Work, the territorial social assistance structures and the National Social Insurances House will ensure the payment of pensions and social benefits till the expiration of the term of fitting the disability.
8. By derogation of the provisions of the item 25 of the Instruction No 3 from 23 March 2020 of Moldova’s Commission for Emergency Situations, the moratorium established on the state controls is not enforced on the control carried out as to the inspection of the state forest and water fund.
9. The Migration and Asylum Bureau suspends the taking over of applications on the providing/extension of the right of stay and issuance of permits of stay to the foreigners who are illegally in Moldova, except for the cases of urgent necessity. The stay permits, issued to foreigners by the Bureau, the validity term of which expire on the period of the state of emergency, are extended by 60 days.
10. By derogation of the provisions of the Article 4, paragraph (7) from the Law on mandatory health insurances accounts for 2020, No 174/2019, starting from 1 April 2020, on the period of the state of emergency, the citizens of Moldova and the foreigners with permit of stay in Moldova, who intend to cross the state border to enter Moldova and do not have status of insured person in the mandatory health insurances system (AOAM), will pay the mandatory health insurance premium in fixed sum.
11. The persons who are set to cross the state border by air to enter Moldova will pay the mandatory health insurance premium in fixed sum, including through the Mpay governmental system.
12. The people who cross the state border by land to enter Moldova will compulsorily fill in and sign the declaration on their own responsibility on the obligation to pay the mandatory health insurance premium for 2020 in a period of 72 hours.
13. The Commission authorizes the charter flights, which carry passengers with Moldovan citizenship to Moldova, operated by the air company:
- FLYONE, starting from 1 April 2020, CHISINAU - PARIS - CHISINAU;
- BlueAir, as of 2 April 2020, DUBAI- CHIȘINĂU- OTOPENI.
14. The quarantine regime is introduced in the Soroca city, Stefan Voda town, and Carahasani village, Stefan Voda district, beginning with 1 April 2020.
The Commission for Emergency Situations also took other decisions.
The non-observance of the provisions/measures established by Moldova’s Commission for Emergency Situations, represents danger for the public health and will serve as reason for calling the guilty people to contravention/criminal account.
The present Instruction enters into force starting the moment of its issuance and is published on the government’s official webpage.