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EU4Climate project to back Moldova in transposing EU norms in climate sector

18:26 | 27.05.2020 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 27 May /MOLDPRES/ - The EU4Climate Project, financed by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), will provide assistance for the transposition of the EU acquis (legal framework) in the climate sector into the national legislation. The experts contracted by EU4Climate and the Energy Community’s Secretariat worked out a string of recommendations on adjusting the legislation and the action plan for this and the proposals were unveiled at a videoconference today.      

Moldova committed to transpose in the national legislation a string of European directives in the climate field, at the moment of signing of the Association Agreement with EU in 2014 and through joining the Energy Community Treaty in 2010.  

The first priority is the transposition into the national legislation of the EU Regulation on Fluorinated Gases, known as F-Gases, used in cooling apparatus and refrigerators. Another priorities deal with the transposition of the directives as to the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and the EU Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer. The deadline for the transposition of the legislation on EU ETS is the 2022 year.    

Before starting the transposition of the concerned directive, experts recommend carrying out a study on EU ETS’ feasibility in Moldova, in order to have certainty that the benefits are higher than the costs of implementation and maintenance. The study’s recommendations will be made public till late 2020.   

„The full transposition of the EU acquis into the national legislation will facilitate the achievement of the goals of the National Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Moldova committed to reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 70 per cent till 2030 against 1990,’’ the state secretary at the Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Ministry, Maxim Popov, said.    

Moldova’s commitments were encouraged by European Union Ambassador to Moldova Peter Michalko, who said that ‘’EU is leader in the fight against the climate changes and ecologizing the economy.’’ ‘’With the European Green Deal, EU elevated even more the climate ambitions and will provide its citizens with the highest standards, observing and protecting the environment. I am proud to find out that Moldova follows the EU’s example, which strengthens the already solid partnership of the Association Agreement. The transposition of EU’s legislation in Moldova is opening of new prospects and opportunities and the most important thing is that the improvement of the citizens’ living already take place,’’ Peter Michalko noted.    

Moldova is to elaborate a National Plan in the Energy and Climate Changes Sector. The plan’s goal is to integrate the processes of energy and climate processes of Moldova into a single document, in order to provide a coordinated approach for  development with low carbon emissions. The plan is to be submitted to the Energy Community’s Secretariat in October 2020, following national, regional and international consultations.   

According to the director of Energy Community’s Secretariat, Janez Kopač, ‘’it is extremely important that Moldova remains on this route, despite the COVID-19 crisis.’’ ‘’The action plan presented today will guide Moldova in the modernization of its energy and climate policies, first of all, for the benefit of its citizens. In our capacity of the Energy Community’s Secretariat, we fully commit to support Moldova in these efforts, especially in the context of development of the National Plan of Energy and Climate for 10 years. In this respect, we also want to express appreciation to Moldova for the fact that it was the first member country of the Energy Community and the fourth one of the world which submitted the National Determined Contribution,’’ Janez Kopač said.   

„Even if the pandemic gets domination over the entire world, the climate changes remain a threat and, therefore, they should be on the top of priorities. The 2020 year was declared Year of Climate Actions, a year when we still can change things. UNDP is proud of its partnership with EU, including EU’s Energy Treaty, in order to back Moldova in assessing the debts in transposing the EU Acquis, as well as to advance in working out the roadmap for the legal framework,’’ UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova Dima Al-Khatib said.    

With an overall budget of 8.8 million euros, the EU4Climate Project is carried out on the period 2019-2022 and has the following components: updating the National Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement; elaboration of national strategies of development with low greenhouse gas emissions; aligning with the EU acquis in the climate and energy sector; integration of the climate dimension into the documents of sectoral policies; enhancement of the degree and awareness and elaboration of sectoral guides for the implementation of the Paris Agreement; attraction of investments in the climate changes sector; a better planning of the adaptation to the climate changes. 





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