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About 7,900 people treated of COVID-19 in Moldova

14:44 | 21.06.2020 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry (MPMPS) informs that another 50 people with suspicions of COVID-19 have been hospitalized in the last 24 hours.

A press release by MSMPS reads that another 151 persons were treated and discharged. Thus, there are 7,896 people healed of coronavirus in all.  

As many as 13,953 cases of infection with COVID-19 have been confirmed so far, of which 1,156 ones in the Transnistrian region.

The health condition of the infected people is as follows: 1,097 – in medium seriousness health condition; the other patients are in satisfactory condition and 440 are in serious condition, of whom 31 patients are connected to assisted breathing apparatus.

So far, 2,146 infection cases have been confirmed among health system employees, of whom: 547 physicians, 852 medical assistants, 609 auxiliary staff members, 112 doctor’s or surgeon’s assistants, 26 pharmacists.  

One person dead of COVID-19 has been recorded in the last 24 hours.



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