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Moldovan official journal roundup for tomorrow

12:31 | 25.06.2020 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/- Moldovan parliament statement on the condemnation of acts of trafficking and political corruption approved by parliament on 11 June will be published in the Official Journal tomorrow.

The initiative to approve such a document belongs to the MPs from the Democratic Party of Moldova faction and was supported by the majority of lawmakers present at that meeting.

The document sees “the MPs vehemently condemn the actions of political migration in the country’s legislative forum from the entire period of the parliamentarism of Moldova”.

"We condemn both those who were convinced and those who accepted them. These actions, based on acts of corruption, generate and amplify the phenomenon of political depravity. The sovereign will of people, expressed in the elections, is brutally distorted, and the management of political migration based on corruption abroad is a real threat to national security. Political corruption of deputies aims to artificially change the balance of power in Parliament and to establish a government subordinated to narrow group interests, a phenomenon we have witnessed in our recent history and which is a threat to fundamental institutions of state,” the document reads.

The Democrats' initiative comes after several MPs who joined the PDM lists in the legislature left the faction and joined other parliamentary groups.


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