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Decision on prohibition to export medical masks to be published in Moldova's Official

14:45 | 25.06.2020 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/ - The government decision to extend the ban on the export of medical masks till 15 July 2020 will be published in the 26 June issue of the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial).  

Under the decision, taking into account the further supply of the domestic demand in the context of the pandemic, Moldovan producers cannot export protection masks. The export in medical gloves and disinfectant products has been prohibited so far; yet, according to a cabinet decision from 24 June, the interdiction remains in force only for medical masks till 15 July.  

The decision was taken, given the continuation of the spread of the coronavirus infection internationally and especially given the confirmation of cases in Moldova.    

The cabinet of ministers said that ‘’the goal of this ban is to protect the life and health of the people, avoid the spread of this infection in Moldova and supply the people’s demands with medical masks.’’

On 11 March, the Moldovan government banned the export of medical masks and disinfectants till 15 April; afterwards – till 15 May, subsequently – till 15 June and after that till 30 June. In the earlier decision, the cabinet reserved the right ‘’to reduce or extend this prohibition, depending on the evolution of the situation.’’ This right remains in force in continuation.    





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