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Moldovan electoral body sets out instructions to prevent COVID-19 infection in election campaign

12:05 | 18.08.2020 Category: Political

Chisinau, 18 August /MOLDPRES/- The National Commission for Public Health approved the Instruction on measures to prevent COVID-19 infection during the election period, prepared by the Central Electoral Commission / CEC /.

According to a press release of the CEC, the established rules refer to the observance of the social distance between people, the rules of hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene, wearing masks, performing thermometry, providing election officials with protective equipment, providing hand sanitizers at entering the polling stations, processing surface surfaces with disinfectants and ventilating the space.

The instruction is an action plan that reflects how the CEC will manage the 6 September local elections and the presidential elections on 1 November under protection rules and other provisions issued by the authorities, aimed at optimizing and standardizing the application of electoral procedures related to the organization, arrangement and endowment of the polling stations with materials and equipment necessary for the conduct of voting in pandemic conditions, providing election officials and voters with protective equipment.


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