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Ministry of Education, Culture and Research launches Green Line of Safety in Education

12:52 | 29.08.2020 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/- The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, in collaboration with local specialized bodies in education launches the Green Line of Safety in Education.

The action takes place in the context of the resumption of the educational process in educational institutions and aims to provide the necessary information support to all pupils, teachers and parents and parents in managing behavior in crisis situations caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic.

Thus, at the level of each district, a person responsible for monitoring cases of COVID-19 virus infection in educational institutions has been nominated.

The list of specialists from the local specialized bodies in education and the telephone number of the Green Line from each district can be viewed on the institution's website.

Also, to report the difficult situations related to the reopening of educational institutions, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research has created the Green Form: Safety in Education, in which problems and risks can be described.


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