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NGOs in Moldova to be eligible for grants for ECO projects

12:20 | 21.09.2020 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 21 September /MOLDPRES/- The Global Environment Facility's Small Grants Program, implemented by the United Nations Development Program, today launched a new call for project proposals. The deadline for applications is 31 October.

Non-governmental organizations can obtain grants for project implementation in areas such as: community-based conservation of threatened ecosystems and species; chemical management and waste management; catalyzing sustainable urban solutions; community-based adaptation.

The NGO must identify and ensure co-financing at a level of at least 50% of the total project costs. The amount of grants will be up to 50,000 dollars and the set of documents will be submitted electronically.

During 2016-2019, the Global Environment Facility's Small Grants Program supported 38 projects in the biodiversity protection, climate change adaptation, soil degradation, chemical management, environmental governance, advocacy and communication capacity development.



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