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Moldovan education ministry launches Students in Solidarity with School action

16:30 | 28.09.2020 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 September /MOLDPRES/ - Students in Solidarity with School is the title of an action started by the Education, Culture and Research Ministry (MECC) today within the Pleading for Pedagogy campaign.    

The goal of the initiative consists in the promotion of the status of teacher through the employment of the students of the III-IV years from the syllabus of higher degree education and the ones from the master higher education of the Education Sciences field as educations, teachers and professors in general education institutions from Moldova for a definite period in the 2020-2021 academic year.   

The students due to show interest in joining MECC’s initiative will be employed and remunerated in general education institutions as educators, teachers, professors, by plurality of offices, for a didactic norm of nine ours at the most. ‘’The higher education institutions will consider this activity as pedagogic training probationary , without asking for the working out of additional reports within them,’’ sources of the Education Ministry said.  

On the period of student’s stay in the general education institution as educator, teacher, professor, the university, as well as institution where the student will get employed will nominate one mentor each.   

The mentors of both institutions will coordinate and establish a flexible schedule of academic classes and school classes, so that these students can get involved in academic activities included in the specialty’s syllabus. ‘’We note that individualized education plans and approved by the institution’s rectors will be elaborated for the students employed in general education institutions,’’ according to a MECC press release.  

The distribution of students for employment will be made depending on the necessary number of teachers demanded by representatives of local specialty bodies in the education sector.

The national campaign, Pleading for pedagogy/profession of teacher, was launched in early last August and is set to improve the system of motivation and support of teachers in the process of integration and maintenance in the education system, to promote the good education practices and the success achieved by performant teachers and schools, including among young specialists, for improving the image of the teaching staff in the modern society and attracting alumni in the profession of teacher.   

Photo source: MECC 



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