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Commission for considering oil products sector presents activity report in Moldovan parliament

21:14 | 15.07.2022 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 15 July /MOLDPRES/ - The commission for considering the efficiency of the enforcement of the regulations from the oil products sector unveiled the activity report in parliament today. The document contains normative proposals, in order to improve the regulations on the oil products market.   

Under the regulation, the parliament will examine possibility of an external, independent performance audit of the work of the Competition Council. Another recommendation deals with the removing of the need of preserving by economic agents of the principal oil products in a volume of at least 1,000 cubic metres. At the same time, remains the goal of transposition of the EU’s directive on the member states’ obligation to maintain a minimal level of reserves of oil products in a volume equivalent for two months of domestic consumption.

The government will also examine possibility to cut the prices for the carriage of people in the district and inter-district traffic and will analyze possibility of reducing the price for oil products for the road transport operators. Also, the cabinet recommends the implementation of measures of buying and using by the residents of electric vehicles and considering possibility of exemption from taxes of the road transport operators at the import of transport units meant for regular services. At the same time, the document contains recommendations for the Competition Council, National Energy Regulatory Agency and local public authorities.    

The special commission for considering the efficiency of the enforcement of the regulations from the oil products sector was set up by the parliament on 3 June 2022, taking into account the evolution of the prices for oil products in last period, as well as the recommendations by the Supreme Security Council.   

Photo: Parliament



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