Prospects for Tuesday, 31 July
19:09 | 30.07.2018 Category:
Events in Moldova
The national commission of collective bargaining and consultation holds a meeting at government at 11:00.
The Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) launches legal service for local authorities: "Asistenta Juridica pentru alesii locali" (The legal assistance for local elected representatives) at IDIS at 10:00.
The Promo – LEX Association and lawyer Veaceslav Turcan invite to press conference on abduction and transfer of persons to structures of Tiraspol regime at headquarters of Promo – LEX at 11:00.
The Salvgardare Consumer Rights Consortium holds a press conference: "Pe un pamant fara popor vor veni popoarele fara pamant" (On a land without people, there will come landless peoples), at Infotag at 11:00.
The Institute for European Policies and Reforms, supported by Open Society Foundation, invites to 3rd Public Hearing #pentruChisinau (#forChisinau) this year at Chisinau council at 17:30 – 19:00.
The solicitors of Ilan Sor hold a press conference: "Frauda bancara din Moldova si prezentarea Raportului companiei Quintel Intelligence cu privire la raportul Kroll" (Banking fraud in Moldova and presentation of Quintel Intelligence report on Kroll report), at Sputnik press centre at 11:30.
(Editor L. Alcaza)