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Moldovan official journal roundup for 24 August

17:00 | 23.08.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ – The national mass media development concept in Moldova will be published on 24 August in the Official Journal of Moldova.

The document will serve as a reference point for public mass media policies, policies aimed at strengthening the role of media system in securing constitutional right of citizens to info and in consolidating a democratic society.

The Concept establishes the normative framework for regulating mass media activity, meant to ensure its functioning on democratic principles and in a secure media space. Similarly, the juridico – economic framework has been regulated to ensure the management of media as a specific economic agent in conditions of market economy and loyal competition.

A separate Concept chapter refers to tools and ways to solve the identified problems. The solutions include continuous improvement of the national legal framework within media and related fields, elaboration and implementation of the strategy, programme and action plan as to achieve the objectives of the Concept, monitoring and analysis of implementation of the research process of mass mediate. Yearly, the Government will make reports on the results of implementation of objectives.

According to authors, the Concept complies with European regulations and was drawn up by national and international experts as well as representatives of civil society within the working group on better mass media legislation.

(Reporter A. Ciobanu, editor A. Raileanu)


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